Book Time Travel — March

It’s time to go back in time and see what I was reading in years past during the month of March, where they good books? or not so good? Let’s take a look!

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Two excellent books by Asian-American women authors.

2017 — The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston

I remember noticing this book from a list of books that President Obama recommended. A few weeks later I found it at the thrift store and it just seemed like fate that I should read that book at the time.

It’s a beautiful book that portrays the different ways that a woman is a woman, one shaped by her culture, by her obstacles, by her family. It portrays the strength of women, our intelligence, and the way that we face our past. The book is also beautifully written, Maxine has this ethereal writing style that just creeps into your mind and evokes images that will haunt you for a while after. If the imagery is strong that’s only because those are the feelings that the women in her stories have, feelings that I found very familiar.

I believe this book helped me discover new sides of myself, and which came at a point in my life when I was ready to explore them.

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Books + Tea = Joy

2016 –The Love That Split The World by Emily Henry

This was a book I got in an Owlcrate box and I found myself happily attracted to the cover. When I read it I was really divided as to if I liked it or not, thinking back I know I did enjoy the story but do remember being confused with some of the writing choices made while trying to portray time travel and parallel dimensions. (Any book that attempts time travel is bound to be confusing right?) I think what this book left me, two years later, is the sense of the inevitability of accepting the things that have already happened. Especially the ending of the book is just so emotional and I was very much attached to the characters so I do also remember thinking about the books for days after finishing it.

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Since I lack a 2015 book, here’s a picture I took that month while stuck in traffic in Mexico City. 

2015 — I didn’t read anything in the month of March of 2015! And that was because I was preparing for a big exam for my PhD program. That exam was scary so I worked on it very hard and I passed! You could say I was reading for my exam but somehow I don’t think that’d be as interesting hahaha. My reading habits definitely picked up after the exam happened in April so I suspect that these posts will get a bit more interesting after that point. We shall see!

Anyways, I’m starting to think that these posts might point to certain books that I could probably donate to the library or something… In that sense, The Love That Split The World, although it has a beautiful cover, shall be put in a pile for donation.

Do you donate books after you read them if you decide that you will not read them again? This is the first time I really feel like donating a book without purposely looking for books to donate. One thing is for sure, it’ll help create space in my bookcase! 😉

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